Dr Stephen Tully to address Australian Institute of International Affairs (NSW Branch)


Dr Stephen Tully will join a distinguished panel to address the NSW Branch of the Australian Institute of International Affairs at its upcoming seminar on Reflections on international law - the effects of recent developments in Sydney on 5 July 2016.

In partnership with the NSW Young Lawyers International Law Committee, AIIA NSW will host an evening discussion to explore and reflect on recent developments in international law.

The past year has seen a number of significant and high-profile legal cases and decisions in a multitude of areas of ranging from human rights to the trade and economic sphere.

The Permanent Court of Arbitration handed down the award of the first investor-state dispute brought against Australia by Philip Morris Asia Ltd concerning the tobacco plain packaging laws. In April, the Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea held that the detention of asylum seekers on Manus Island breached the right to personal liberty in the PNG Constitution, and just last month an African Union-backed court in Senegal (Special African Chamber) delivered a guilty verdict for Chad’s former president, Hissène Habré, by an African Union-backed court in Senegal (Extraordinary African Chambers) for crimes against humanity, summary execution, torture and rape.

To discuss and provide a deeper understanding of the major contemporary issues, AIIA welcomes three distinguished panellists with a wealth of experience from government legal practice, academia and the bar to share their insights on these recent developments. The format for the event will be a moderated panel discussion for approximately 45 minutes, followed by a Q&A session.

Event Details:

Date: Tuesday, July 5th, 2016
Time: Refreshments 6:00 pm; Presentation 6:30 pm - 7.30pm
Venue: The Glover Cottages, 124 Kent Street, Sydney (located adjacent to the Kent St Fire Station)
Entry:  AIIA NSW/NSW Young Lawyers – members  $15.00;  Senior/Student members $10.00
Non-members: $25.00;  Student non-members $15.00

PLEASE RSVP ONLINE or EMAIL ACCEPTANCE to nswexec@internationalaffairs.org.au  
Please register as AIIA only cater for the number of people registered

Tickets can be pre-paid by credit card through Paypal when registering online.
Payment may be made at the door in cash.