Our commitment
6 St James Hall Chambers is committed to delivering our services in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. We understand the need to offer online services to solicitors and clients to enable access to justice.
Our barristers are committed to offering online legal services which are flexible and individually tailored to meet the needs of solicitors and clients. We understand that legal matters have their own unique features which may require creative and innovative online solutions. Our barristers work closely with solicitors and clients to facilitate timely and efficient legal solutions to complex legal problems.
online services
Our barristers are equipped to offer legal services online using the latest technology. With the use of innovative technology our chambers offer the following online services:
audio and video conference calls;
online legal advice;
attendance at virtual courts;
online settlement negotiations;
online mediations;
support to solicitors and clients in navigating the online court; and
conducting court hearings by audio and video link.
briefing barristers online
Our barristers accept electronic briefs and use document sharing software to facilitate collaboration, increase efficiency and reduce the cost of maintaining hard copy documents. We recognise that there will be occasions where hard copies of documents will be required and our barristers can advise on when this should occur.
Please contact Nora Faulua on 9236 8600 to brief our barristers.