6 St James' Hall hosts Professor James Weinstein, Amelia Lewis Professor of Constitutional Law at Arizona State University

The members of 6 St James' Hall are delighted to host a CPD lunchtime seminar on Monday, 27 June 2016 featuring Professor James Weinstein, the Amelia Lewis Professor of Constitutional Law at Arizona State University’s Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law. 

Prof. Weinstein is a constitutional law specialist with a particular interest in free speech and whether hate speech is a permissible exercise of the right to free speech. He is in Australia to make presentations on Hate Speech at the law schools of the University of Queensland, Monash and the University of New South Wales.

James (related to our senior counsel Robert Angyal SC by marriage) has kindly agreed to speak on “Why People in a Free and Democratic Society Should Have a Right to Engage in Hate Speech”.

More about Professor James Weinstein

Amelia Lewis Professor of Constitutional Law, Arizona State University's Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
Faculty Fellow, Center for Law, Science & Innovation
Associate Fellow, Centre for Public Law, University of Cambridge

James Weinstein's areas of academic interest are Constitutional Law, especially Free Speech, as well as Jurisprudence and Legal History. He is co-editor of Extreme Speech and Democracy (Oxford University Press 2009, paperback edition 2010); the author of Hate Speech, Pornography and the Radical Attack on Free Speech Doctrine (Westview Press 1999); and has written numerous articles in law review symposia on a variety of free speech topics, including: free speech theory, obscenity doctrine, institutional review boards, commercial speech, database protection, campaign finance reform, the relationship between free speech and constitutional rights, hate crimes, and campus speech codes.

Professor Weinstein has litigated several significant free speech cases, primarily on behalf of Arizona Civil Liberties Union. Earlier in his career, he wrote several influential articles on the history of personal jurisdiction and its implication for modern doctrine.

Professor Weinstein also has been a principal speaker at numerous national and international conferences on free speech issues.

During law school, he was a member of the University of Pennsylvania Law Review Board of Officers. After graduating, he served as a law clerk to James R. Browning, Chief Judge of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and then practiced civil litigation in Los Angeles for several years before joining the faculty in 1986.

Selected Works

Hate Speech, Pornography, and the Radical Attack on Free Speech Doctrine (Westview Press 1999).

Participatory Democracy as the Central Value of American Free Speech Doctrine, 97 Va. L. Rev. 491 (2011).

Institutional Review Boards and the Constitution, 101 NW. U. L. Rev. 493 (2007).