Comparative Constitutional Law - 2015 Roundup on today

Today's annual seminar will provide an outline of recent constitutional developments in several overseas jurisdictions that are of key interest to Australian constitutional lawyers.

Experts from each jurisdiction will report on three of four major constitutional cases argued or decided over the last year; changes in the composition and politics of each country’s highest court; and flag the state of debate over constitutional reform.

Together, the panellists will also discuss the potential relevance of these comparative developments for current issues in Australian constitutional law.


  • Dr Jason Varuhas (University of New South Wales):  UK and New Zealand
  • Professor Jacob Gersen (Harvard University):  United States of America

Chair:        Professor Rosalind Dixon (University of New South Wales)

Venue:  Federal Court, Queens Square, Sydney, Court 18B, 5:30–7:00 pm.

This is a joint event organised by the Gilbert+Tobin Centre of Public Law (UNSW) and the Australian Association of Constitutional Law.


Dr Christos Mantziaris
Convenor (NSW)